Loyal to my Soil

Market and Brockhurst

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Juana Alicia
Cece Carpio
Robert Liu-Trujillo
Miguel Perez
True Colors
Erin Yoshi

Painted: July 2013 – February 2014
Artists are from Trust Your Struggle Collective.
Project Sponsor: City of Oakland

The title for the tile mural is West Oakland Roots: Loyal to My Soil, composed of a total of nine panels. The main and central panel is located at the entrance of the building facing Market Street. It is an evolving mask to tell the cultural history, specifically of the African-American and Latino diasporas, of the West Oakland community. The mask closes in the center with a portrait of a young woman who is a member of the Attitudinal Healing Center and also Amana Harris’ daughter. Amana Harris is AHC’s Associate Director. In the panel located in 33rd Street, Daniel, a youth leader of AHC is depicted hitting a drum. Mindful drumming is a practice conducted inside AHC to explore the healing art of rhythms and sounds as it connects to community building. Two large hands lay below him in the posture of a “dap”, the knocking of two fists together to symbolize agreement, unity and respect. The final design was painted by Juana Alicia Ariaza and the Trust Your Struggle artist collective.
Next Stop: Senior Super Heroes